Work With Us!

Asheville Community Theatre values and welcomes diversity in its workforce, and is committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all individuals based on job-related qualifications and the ability to perform a job.  ACT does not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, religion, race, ethnicity, skin color, age or disability in any of its activities or operations.


ACT is a volunteer-driven theatre where everyone is welcome! If you’re enthusiastic about learning a new skill or sharing your talents with us, we’d love to have you! Please fill out the Volunteer Information Form, and look forward to hearing from us soon.

Volunteer Interest Form

If you want to usher at ACT, fill out our Usher Volunteer Information Form.

Usher Information Form


Creative Team, Production and Design:

We want to connect with local Directors, Music Directors, Choreographers, Fight Choreographers, Stage Managers, Costume Designers, Props Designers, Puppet Designers, Lighting Designers, Scenic Designers, Sound Designers, and other creatives. If you’re interested in getting involved with ACT in this way, please consider filling out the ACT Production & Design Interest Form.

Production & Design Interest Form

Front Of House Staff ($20/hour)

This position is part time, hourly (non exempt) and scheduled based on the Asheville Community Theatre show schedule. Front of House Staff is cross-trained on four roles; House Management, Box Office, Concessions, and Secondary. You will fill one of these roles during performances. This position is responsible for selling tickets before the show or managing the front of house and concessions before, during, and after the show. Must be 21 or older in order to serve and sell alcohol.

To apply, email a resume to [email protected].

Front of House Staff Position Description

Tanglewood Summer Teachers:

Come work with us at Tanglewood Summer Camp! We’re looking for specialists in technical theatre, music direction, choreography, stage management, and more, as well as general theatre camp counselors. We have volunteer teaching assistant positions for ages 14-16, teaching positions open for ages 16 and up.

Application available soon!


Custom Internships

In the past, we have been able to customize internships tailored to individual interests or requirements. If you’re interested in connecting with Asheville Community Theatre about a possible internship, please email Zoe Zelonky, our Education Director.