The Blog
Cast List for Footloose
We are so excited to share our newest cast list! So many new faces – and so many old friends! Thank you to everyone who came out and auditioned. It is truly an act of courage to put yourself out there and we appreciate that you shared your talent with us!
*denotes ACT Mainstage debut
The Teens
Ren McCormack………….…………..……Dillon Giles*
Ariel Moore…………..…..………….…….Anne Lowell*
Willard Hewitt.…..……..……….……..…..Adam Lentini
Rusty………..……………….Heather Nicole Bronson
Chuck Cranston…..………………..…Ryan Miller
Urleen…….…….…………………….….…Emily McCurry
Wendy Jo………..……………………..………Karyn Panek
Lyle……………….…..………………..…… Stephanie Marzuola
Travis……….….………….………….….…..…Javon Brown*
Jeter……………..………….…………..…..Jack Anderson
Bickle………….…………….…………………… John O’Neil
Garvin…………….……….….…….……………… Jan Dixon
Teen Chorus
Sam Collett, Henry Callahan*, Will Cowan, Jacob Walas, , Archer Kenney, Emma-Leigh Brookshire*, Ann Licharew*, Eidela Foor*, Rose Pillmore*, Sara Terry*, Holly Jackson*, Matthew Harper, Kerry Nolan*
The Adults
Rev. Shaw Moore……………….………..…Jeff Stone
Vi Moore……………………..….….……Melissa Stone
Ethel McCormack.…….………………. Ashlee Reep*
Cowboy Bob……………..………….……….Mark Jones
Betty Blast…………….….…………….Marisa Noelle
Lulu Warnicker…….………..…..……. Audrey Wells
Wes Warnicker………………………Dan Baechtold*
Principal Clark.…………….…. Rotating Weekends: McRae Hilliard, Rick Manheim*, Craig Justus
Coach Dunbar……………..……..……William Ezzell
Eleanor Dunbar……………………..Tiffanie Boone
Adult Chorus
Kyrstin Proctor, Andrea Knight*, Kathleen Riddle*, Christine Eide*, Morgan Shuler

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